The second driver for space utilization studies is due to a major disruption, e.g. due to the required renovation of existing space or consideration of the addition of new facilities. In the former, consideration of space is required due to the inability to use certain areas during the period of construction and thus the need to reconsider adjustments to the schedule of classes to meet the demands during this period. In the latter, it is imperative to carefully analyze space usage in order to justify the investment in new facilities. If the study demonstrates the need for more space, there may also a reason to run an analysis of how best to manage with existing areas during the construction period; especially if this period will impact existing facilities. This type of analysis is especially important if public monies are to be applied to changes in the physical plant of the institution.
Engaging external expertise such as CEO, permits an independent and impartial analysis that can be used as ample rationale for informing major decisions. In the first instance when space utilization studies are desired as a consequence of many incremental changes to the curriculum and enrollments, there is frequently a great deal of internal sensitivity of this analysis and the possible outcomes and ramifications. Often institutions are charged with producing an internal report that justifies a predetermined course of action. Therefore, many institutions are reluctant to undertake this study. In the second instance where changes to physical configurations of space are envisaged, the use of an external entity such as CEO provides an impartial interpretation of the need for reconfiguring or increasing space.
CEO’s analysis is comprehensive in nature and reviews space utilization over a period of several semesters as well as draws comparisons with established standards for space utilization. The resulting report provides a clear and compelling narrative as well as graphical representation of the analysis that can be used to inform the decision making process at all levels. Given the impact on an institution as a consequence of major decisions regarding space, the independent assurances provided by CEO for a modest fee represents a sound investment.