Many institutions around the world are developing a curriculum in which some or all of the material is taught in English. Apart from studies of English itself, institutions offer courses in a subject area that is Western or global in focus and hence benefits from an instructor who has a strong grounding in the discipline. For example, an increasing number of institutions based outside the U.S. are offering courses in English Literature, American History, Western Art, Popular Music, Comparative Philosophy, International Affairs and others.
There are many advantages to the students from this approach. Instructors who are trained in the U.S. or other Western countries may have a different training, perspective and pedagogical approaches in these disciplines. Most importantly, students not only learn from someone who has experienced a Western approach to their discipline, but also have the opportunity to think and work in English and thus improve their language abilities.
This internationalisation of the curriculum and instructional staff improves the standing of the institution with local and national authorities. Consequently, this higher standing builds a stronger brand that attracts more qualified students and thereby raises the profile of the institution.
The major challenge that most institutions face in building a more global approach to their curriculum is that of recruiting instructors who are well qualified, appropriately motivated and dedicated to their profession. The recruitment process has many facets that are not immediately apparent to international institutions and thus the effectiveness of their efforts is compromised. For example, most institutions rely solely on advertising in the traditional media rather than utilising networks of individuals in the field. In addition, international institutions may not have the same expertise as their American counterparts in reviewing credentials, identifying highly qualified candidates as well as analysing the suitability for this experience.
Once a candidate or small group of candidates is selected for close interviewing, the institution must execute an in-depth review of the candidate through comprehensive reference and background checks. At the same time, the institution must also balance this effort with the knowledge that they too are being reviewed and scrutinised by the candidate(s) and therefore must develop a campaign to recruit the chosen candidate so that they will find the possibility of joining the institution to be very appealing and thus accept the offer of employment.