Interested in Attending University in the United States?

You are not alone: 


Nearly 900,000 international students are attending universities and colleges in the United States

Deciding where to study will be one of the most important decisions in your life. It is also one of the most costly decisions both financially and emotionally. Many students who make the wrong decision are extremely unhappy, which affects their academic performance. This may lead students to drop out, change their major or transfer to another university. For example, more than 37% of students in the United States transfer to another institution at least once during their studies. Changing majors and/or transferring to another university will most likely mean more time spent at university and consequently more money spent.

If you have decided that you want to study in the United States, the next questions to ask are:

where should I study? (there are over 4700 institutions from which to choose!)

  • what type of university will suit me best, e.g. large/small, urban/rural, warm/cool climate, large/small population of international students?
  • does this university specialize in one area or are there many well regarded majors in case I change my course of study?

what should I study? (usually institutions offer a broad array of majors from which to choose)

  • what major best meets my long term goal?
  • what major will allow me to keep my options open?
  • what are the job prospects for this major from this institution?

how do I prepare an application that differentiates me from the thousands of applications the university receives?

  • what are the admissions officers looking for in applications from international students?
  • what should I include and exclude from my application
  • how do I make the most of my final year(s) at high school to improve my chances?

Challis Educational Opportunities offers an array of options that will provide you with support to help you:

  • choose a university,
  • decide on a major,
  • assist in preparing an application,
  • manage your communications with universities that have accepted you,
  • advise on financing your education,
  • preparing you for the transition.


Unlike most other counselling services, Challis is independent of U.S. universities. We do not receive a commission or any other financial support from U.S. universities. We work with you, with your best interests at the core of this process. If, for one reason or another, you are not satisfied with your choice after one year of study, CEO will provide you with free assistance in transitioning to another university.


Our experts are experienced in international admissions, either as admissions officers or trainers of admissions officers.

We offer three distinct levels of service to meet every need. Follow the link below to learn more about each level.