Institutional accreditation is a time of great angst amongst the campus community. The ramifications of a misstep or misinterpretation are significant and most likely will involve a great deal of extra effort that might have been avoided with proper preparation and attention to the fine details of the requirements of the accrediting body. In preparing for the accreditation review there are the added challenges in overcoming institutional inertia in recognizing the importance of the preparation for the review as well as remaining suitably detached from the process so that the self study document and other materials are viewed as a member of the visiting accreditation team rather than as a member of the campus community who has more detailed knowledge than presented in the prepared materials.

Many institutions are now recognizing the benefits of using external consultants in various aspects of the accreditation review process. CEO offers a broad service that can be tailored to your needs and circumstances. Our experts have experience with the major regional accreditation entities, either as leaders or members of a visiting team from an accreditation agency, or as leaders of institutional accreditation efforts. CEO will choose its members in accordance with your needs, focus and depth of evaluation.

In particular, CEO can provide assistance in any one or all of the following areas:

  • Preparation and planning for the accreditation self study initiative
  • Development of a campus wide communication plan that provides the appropriate level of awareness amongst the campus community
  • Ongoing analysis of the self study and other materials during the preparation of the final review document
  • Review of the self study document prior to submission to the accreditation agency
  • Mock site visit in preparing campus personnel to respond appropriately to the accreditation team visit
  • Assistance in preparing a response to the initial report following the accreditation team visit
  • Guidance in developing subsequent materials subsequent to the action of the accreditation agency